What Are Some Examples of Group Health Plans?

Employer-sponsored insurance plans are a great way for employers to provide employee benefits. These plans come in different types and offer a variety of benefits. Common types of group insurance...…

Vision Insurance FAQ

Getting a comprehensive eye exam, prescriptions, new lenses, and frames could mean a hefty price sticker. Health Insurance policies typically cover eye care only if you have a medical issue....…

Dental Insurance FAQ

What should I do before choosing a dental plan? Education is the most important thing you should do before purchasing dental insurance plans. This blog post helps answer surface frequently...…

How Do Flood Zones Work?

Flood maps, known officially as Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), show high-flood risk, moderate-flood risk, and low-flood risk areas. Communities use the maps to set minimum building requirements for coastal...…

Does A Homeowners Policy Cover Flooding?

Floods can happen anywhere — FEMA reports that just one inch of floodwater can cause up to $25,000 in damage. Although many homeowners believe their regular home policy should be...…

Wedding Insurance Cost

Weddings can be expensive: dresses and tuxes, food, venue, vendors, and more can add up! Wedding and special event insurance is a reliable way to protect the money you have...…