As you might know, as you get older, you often see yourself having to go to the doctors for routine medical things. Going to the doctors more means having more copays, and slowly but surely, they begin to take a toll on your finances. Your typical Medicare parts A and B don’t cover all the extra costs associated with your new normal health care activities. The good news is that there is a simple fix, and it’s called Medicare Supplement Insurance.
Now, although Medicare supplement plans do not cover everything, like nursing homes, private nurses, eyeglasses, dental or prescription drugs, it does cover those extra costs with your typical medical checkups that would usually be your responsibility.
Some other significant additions that a supplement plan may cover are: ambulance fees, doctors’ fees, tests, injectable drugs, and even physical therapy.
A Medicare supplement plan is a simple addition to your basic Medicare insurance that will eliminate those additional costs that your insurance wouldn’t cover with regular Medicare. We can’t stress the importance of this enough, and we are here to inform you and help you make the best insurance coverage decision that best fits your needs.
We don’t want you to miss an opportunity to get the best rates, so for more information, contact our Maryland insurance offices in Salisbury at (410) 742-5111 or our Easton at (410) 822-7300. Request a free insurance quote form on our website and one of our agents will be in touch with you.