Executive Insurance

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Owning a business or running a non-profit can have both its rewards and challenges. In addition to making sure the company or organization is growing, you must also plan for mistakes or accidents that could potentially devastate your business or the non-profit.

If your business is based in Maryland, Delaware, or Virginia, Avery Hall offers a number of options to protect the general operations of your business or organization:

Directors and Officers

Directors and Officers

Directors and Officers insurance, otherwise known as D&O insurance, is used in situations where allegations and lawsuits are made against a company or organization’s board of directors or officers, whether appointed or elected. Without such insurance, your directors and officers can be personally liable in a claim against them.

Contact our team of experienced agents today to learn more about this critical insurance that can protect you and your business.

Kidnap, Ransom and Extortion

Kidnapped man in ropes

Kidnap, ransom and extortion insurance policies are designed to protect a company or organization’s top executives, staff, officers or directors during extreme incidents such as kidnappings, extortions, wrongful detentions, and hijackings. These policies usually include coverage for monetary sums paid to kidnappers and extortionists anywhere in the world and can help offer a sense of security during this rare emergency.

Contact Avery Hall today to learn more about this critical insurance that can protect you and your business.

Management Liability

management people

Management liability insurance protects directors, officers, managers, and business entities in situations regarding governance, finance, benefits, and management activities. Management liability is also referred to as executive liability insurance and includes directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance, employment practices liability (EPL) insurance, fiduciary liability insurance, and “special crime” insurance, which covers kidnappings, ransom incidents, and extortion exposures.

Contact an agent at Avery Hall today to learn more about this critical insurance that can protect you and your business.

Professional Liability

woman ripping up contract

Professional liability insurance, commonly referred to as Errors and Omissions (E&O) insurance, is used to protect professional service-providing individuals in cases where a client is harmed due to the services that they have been provided. This protects the service and advice-providers from negligence claims made by clients and customers.

Contact us today to learn more about this critical insurance that can protect you and your business.

Key Person Insurance

man in glasses and suit with people in background

Key person insurance (sometimes referred to as key man life insurance) can help protect businesses in the event of a death of a top executive or owner of a business or organization. In the case that an important member of your executive or top management (a “key” person to the strategic leadership) team dies, key person insurance can help cover financial losses that the business or organization may face with the loss of that individual.

  • Maryland
  • Delaware
  • Virginia
  • North Carolina
  • Massachusetts
  • Texas
  • Florida