Business Owners Insurance

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Owning a business or running a non-profit can have both its rewards and challenges. In addition to making sure the company or organization is growing, you must also plan for mistakes or accidents that could potentially devastate your business or the non-profit.

A Business Owners insurance policy is considered the flagship of business policies as it brings together broad property and liability coverages as well as niche policies.

If your business is based in Maryland, Delaware, or Virginia, Avery Hall offers a number of options to protect the general operations of your business or organization:

Cyber Liability

hacked binary The internet has turned every business with an online presence into a publisher. In fact, every website is now subject to the same penalties traditional publishers face, namely copyright infringement and defamation suits. Additionally, maintaining an online presence has exposed every business to the potential for infiltration. Hackers and identity thieves’ primary goal is to break into your database, steal your bank account information, and sell client information. The sheer scale of the internet means it can reach an astronomical amount of potential customers.

Avery Hall agents are available to answer your cyber liability questions and create the best policy that suits the needs of your particular business or organization.

Professional Liability

CProfessional liability insurance, commonly referred to as Errors and Omissions (E&O) insurance, is used to protect professional service-providing individuals in cases where a client is harmed due to the services that they have been provided. This protects the service and advice-providers from negligence claims made by clients and customers.

Contact Avery Hall today to learn all that is included in errors and omissions and to request a quote.

General Liability

gavelGeneral liability is one of the most popular commercial insurance options available today. It provides coverage for liability issues resulting from personal and advertising injury to medical expenses. It addresses accidents stemming from on-site mishaps, as well as any injuries or damages incurred as a result of using goods or services sold on-premises. In addition to the financial limits on the policy, it can be designed to cover supplemental payments for attorney fees, court costs and other expenses associated with a claim or the defense of a liability suit.

You can learn more about general liability for your business or organization by contacting one of our agents today.

General Package Policies

Insurance Folder A commercial package policy allows you to pick and choose the specific business-related insurance you desire. The package policy can include one specific insurance or multiple lines, depending on the assessed risk of the business or organization.

Contact Avery Hall today to tailor your package policy!

Property Insurance

building missing a roof Property insurance protects your business organization assets from many causes of loss, i.e. fire, vandalism, theft, wind. A typical property insurance policy includes coverage for:

  • Structure (building) of your business
  • Furniture
  • Equipment
  • Lost inventory
  • Landscaping
  • Outdoor signs
  • Damage to the property of others

Your policy can also include coverage for such things as builder’s risk insurance and wind buy-back insurance.

Contact Avery Hall today to learn more about this important coverage.

General Umbrella and Excess Liability

man in suit under umbrella An excess liability insurance policy acts as an umbrella to your basic liability insurance. This type of coverage kicks in when a claim is made against you that exceeds the amount of your existing liability coverage. Umbrella liability insurance provides a safety net when your other business coverage has been exhausted.

Give your business the coverage it needs with an umbrella and excess liability policy. Contact us today for a no-obligation quote.