Customer Service
This plan includes the services of an international network of assistance centers staffed 24 hours a day with highly experienced multi-lingual advisors. In an emergency, a toll free (or collect) call from anywhere in the world puts you in touch with English-speaking assistance advisors.
Any U.S. resident under the age of 85 traveling outside the United States.
$50,000–$500,000 Accident and Sickness Expense Benefits
Covered expenses include hospitalization costs, visits to physician’s office, surgery, prescription medicines and ambulance service and are subject to the deductible you select; $100, $500 or $1,000.
Also includes medical evacuation and repatriation of remains in case of death.
$25,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefit
Worldwide Assistance Services
You will receive the Worldwide Assistance Guide which explains the services available, assistance procedures and the toll free (or collect) telephone numbers which are available throughout the world.
$1,000 Evacuation Benefit (non‑medical)
For evacuating yourself from an area for which the U.S. Department of State has issued a travel warning.
Premium is based upon your age and the deductible you select.

Optional Benefits
$500-$10,000 Trip Cancellation and Curtailment Benefit
Cost: .06 x the coverage requested.
$100,000 Additional Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefit
Cost: 70¢ per day.
Available only to persons under the age of 71.
This plan is not available to residents of the State of Washington and the State of New York, USA.