Have you noticed your car insurance premium has gone up? If so, then you are not alone. Here are some key reasons why your car insurance would have increased:
Speeding tickets and moving violations
Multiple speeding tickets, reckless driving, and DUIs are all examples of violations that could cause your premium to increase. This tells your insurer that you are more at risk of filing a claim, making them increase their rates.
If you have caused a car accident, then this could cause your rates to go up. A person with one or more at-fault accidents is more at risk of causing another accident compared to someone with a clean driving record. In some states, not-at-fault accidents can also cause your premium to increase depending on your state’s laws.
Adding vehicles and drivers
Adding drivers onto your policy or purchasing a more expensive vehicle could cause your car insurance premium to go up. Adding your teenager or a family member with a bad driving record could especially cause an increase. This is because new drivers tend to be more at risk for an accident.
Increased repair costs and supply chain issues
Some car insurance increases are outside of your control. For example, the cost of repairing a car has increased over the past few years. This is due to issues and back-ups in the supply chain. Since COVID-19, factories have been recovering and trying to overcome shortages. This causes repair shops to wait weeks to even months for parts that were once readily available. Since insurance companies are footing the cost, they have to increase their premiums.
Let’s talk
Car insurance does not need to cost an arm and a leg. Talk to one of our experienced Avery Hall agents to explore our wide variety of plans at 410-742-5111.