Many do not know that umbrella insurance is an affordable way to protect yourself from financial loss. Your standard general liability policy will only cover you to a certain extent. This is where umbrella insurance comes in to help.
What is covered under a personal umbrella policy?
A personal umbrella policy provides you and your family extra coverage that extends past your standard liability policies, such as homeowners and auto insurance. A personal umbrella policy can cover:
- Property damage
- Personal liability
- Bodily injury
- Court costs
- Invasion of privacy
What is covered under a commercial umbrella policy?
A commercial umbrella policy can provide your business extra coverage when costs go beyond your other liability coverage limits. A commercial umbrella policy typically covers legal fees such as attorney fees and damages. It can also cover medical expenses.
What are the differences between personal and commercial umbrella insurance?
There is very little difference between personal and commercial umbrella policies. However, one main difference is that commercial umbrella policies tend to have greater limits than personal policies. Individual umbrella policies add an extra layer of protection to your existing liability policies, such as home and auto. Commercial umbrella policies add an extra layer of protection to commercial policies like a commercial auto or general liability policy. Both are similar in that they protect you from paying hefty bills when costs exceed your standard policies. Personal umbrella policies exclude most business pursuits, just as personal liability on the underlying excludes business liabilities.
Let’s Talk
Regardless of how many preventative measures you take, accidents happen. Make sure you’re protected when the time comes. Contact an Avery Hall agent to determine which plan works best for you.