What is Open Enrollment, you may wonder. It is the one time during each year where people can make health insurance plan selections or changes to their plans for the following plan year. No medical questions are asked. The reason it is so important is that once that decision is made, changes are generally not allowed until the next Open Enrollment. Take time now to understand your options.
Anyone who purchases their own health insurance, not through their employer, will have the opportunity to purchase or change their policy during November 1 – December 15, 2016, for a policy effective date of January 1, 2017. Insurance carriers have submitted their plans and proposed prices to the Insurance Commissioners in their states for approval and soon brokers will be ready to assist the public with their plan selections. Although it is possible to purchase individual policies on websites, it is also possible to have personal help if you allow a licensed broker to help you figure out which plan will best meet your needs. And, there is no extra charge when a broker helps you, even if you are eligible for a government subsidy. Why go it alone when help is available?
All Medicare recipients, including all seniors and those who are disabled, are able to make changes to their Prescription Drug Plan only once each year, during October 15 through December 7, 2016. Plan changes will take effect January 1, 2017. Notices will be mailed to each policy holder to explain any changes in prescriptions covered and price. If no change is desired, the current plan will renew with no action on the part of the policy holder. However, if your plan didn’t work the way you had hoped this year, or you are taking some new medications not covered by your current plan, you may want to research your options. Your pharmacy may be able to help, or call a local broker who specializes with seniors, to find the most appropriate plan for your circumstances.
Most businesses renew their group plans during the fourth quarter of each year. At this time, employers may make changes to their plan offering. An Open Enrollment is offered for eligible employees to join the plan or make changes. This is the time to add or drop dependents and/or add or drop coverage.
Avery Hall Benefit Solutions, with offices in Easton and Salisbury, are ready to assist you with any of these policies. They may be reached at www.averyhall.com or in Easton at 410-822-7300 or in Salisbury at 410-742-5111. Avery Hall Insurance Group can assist you with all types of your insurance needs. Let us know how we may be of service to you today.