Luckily, there’s umbrella insurance. Umbrella insurance essentially covers the gap between your basic rental insurance amount and the actual cost incurred by a claim filed against you. An umbrella policy kicks in when your rental is used to its fullest potential, and it can come in handy when an unexpected claim is submitted at your expense.
What does umbrella insurance cover for a landlord?
Say a tenant trips on a loose floorboard in your rental property, then files a claim against you for failing to maintain your property. If the cost of that claim is greater than what your rental property insurance covers, that’s when umbrella coverage would kick in.
It’s not just physical liabilities that umbrella insurance covers—things like slander and libel can have a negative financial impact on your property management business, and umbrella insurance can help minimize that loss.

As a landlord, you need an insurance policy that is as unique as your rental property. That’s why it’s essential to customize your combination of rental insurance and umbrella insurance with a trained professional. Contact Avery Hall in Seaford, Delaware today at 302-337-8231, and one of our agents will guide you through the process of finding the right coverage for you and your property. Or, request a free umbrella insurance quote right here on our website.