Dental and Vision insurance are two of the most basic and essential coverages, and as we get older, they both become even more critical needs and harder to obtain. Here are some ways you or a senior loved one can ensure their Dental and Vision coverage needs get met, even after transitioning to Medicare.
- Medicare does not cover routine dental and vision services or supply needs. Meaning you would have to pay out-of-pocket and in full for procedures such as cleanings, fillings, extractions, dentures, eye exams, eye fittings, and any eyeglasses or contacts.
- Only in the case of an emergency or complicated dental procedures which must get completed at a hospital will Medicare Part A *maybe* cover dental care services. The same goes for Vision. Medicare will cover some vision services but only if they are medically necessary. Such requirements include having Glaucoma, brown freckles, cataracts, diabetes, or being on any medications that would need you to get your eyes checked semi-regularly.
So how can you avoid paying high out-of-pocket costs for your dental and vision care?

There are a few Medicare Advantage Plans (check out this blog for more information on individual parts) that extend benefits to cover things like vision, dental, or even hearing.
A second option is to purchase a dental or vision insurance policy outside of Medicare. There are dozens of options and plans out there. One way to make this process easier is to work with an independent agent like Avery Hall. We offer various carriers and plans from Delta, Mutual of Omaha, CareFirst, VSP to HMOs and PPOs. You can purchase these policies and plans at any time throughout the year (a major difference from Medicare coverage).
Contact your local Avery Hall agent in Easton, Maryland (410-822-7300) or Salisbury, Maryland (410-742-5111) for guidance on getting Dental and Vision insurance while on Medicare! We can give you a personalized experience finding a personalized insurance policy.